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Hemp Information

The Beatles call for the legalisation of marijuana

9.00am, Monday 24 July 1967 (45 years ago) A full-page advertisement appeared in The Times newspaper on this day, signed by 64 of the most prominent members of British society, which called for the legalisation of marijuana. Among the signatories were The Beatles and Brian Epstein. The advertisement was instigated as a response to the […]

In Memoriam, Dr. Hans Georg Behr

Dr. Hans-Georg Behr, noted neurotoxicologist and author, passed away on the evening of July 7 2010, at the age of 72. In 2009 Dr. Behr was awarded the International hemp Cultuurprijs in recognition of his fight against the prohibition of hemp and against the demonisation of people who enjoy it. Although poor health prevented him […]

In memoriam: Jack Herer (1939-2010)

Jack Herer, the Hemperor – author, activist and all-round cannabis-hero – passed away on April 15 2010 at the age of 70. Jack’s 1985 book The Emperor Wears No Clothes is probably the biggest single influence behind the modern hemp movement. Originally self-published, Emperor is currently in its 11th edition and has sold over 600,000 […]

MIT study suggests caution on new anti-obesity drug in kids

Anti-obesity drugs that work by blocking brain molecules similar to those in hemp could also interfere with neural development in young children, according to a new study from MIT’s Picower Institute for Learning and Memory. Marijuana is known to be an appetite stimulant, and a new class of anti-obesity drugs—such as rimonabant (trade name Acomplia) […]

10 things you should know about Marijuana

1. Q. What is Marijuana? A. “Marijuana” refers to dried flowers and leaves of some strains of the hemp hemp plant,1 which contain various quantities of the non-narcotic chemical THC in various quantities. When smoked or eaten, it produces the feeling of being “high,” which lasts a few hours. Different strains of this herb produce […]

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