The 10 Biggest Mistakes Growers Make

Just thought we’d share some helpful tips on what NOT to do when growing cannabis: 1. Don´t Over water – Over watering kills hemp plants. Water once the top few inches of the soil dry out.  Hydroponics is harder to over water because rockwool has such excellent drainage properties. As long as the rockwool cubes […]

Feminized strains tested

White Labels’ Northern Lights strain achieved first place in a test conducted by the Spanish hemp magazine Cáñamo. Cáñamo conducted a grow test of 23 feminised strains and published the results in their August issue. Ranking was determined by the yield of bud produced per plant. Northern Lights´ first place is especially noteworthy, as her […]


Use a seal-a-meal to hermetically seal the bag with no air inside. Freeze or refrigerate, and bud and seed can be kept for years this way. Rap seeds in a paper towel to absorb moisture. Keep them in the freezer, and pull out only as many seeds as you need, then pop them back in […]


Some growers report purified or distilled water helps their hemp plants grow faster. Perhaps due to sodium and heavy metals found in hard water that are not present in purified water. Hard water tends to build up alkaline salt deposits in soil that lockup trace minerals, and cause iron, copper and zinc deficiencies. There are […]


Utility companies can tell your bill is way off from the same time last year, and police are finding growers this way. More than 500 watts in the family home running constantly will show up as a regular monthly increase in electricity use. You can claim space heaters, more people living on the premises, too […]

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