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Hemp Information

Barack Obama on the US hemp policy

The video might be a bit old, but the issue is still very relevant. Barack Obama is one of the few people in the world who can actually change the stance of most governments on Cannabis. His ideas on this topic are not only important for the US of A, but also for the rest […]

The Dutch Cannabis-selling Cafes

The people over at have posted a very interesting article on their blog. It starts of with the following quote. “Coffee Shops Will Disappear Within Two Years… The Netherlands Can’t Continue To Tolerate Existence of Coffee Shops Because Of International Opposition.” – Henk van de Bunt, Professor of Criminology at Erasmus University (Radio Netherlands, […]

Cannabis in California: A local and federal divide

The recent history of cannabis in California  demonstrates a split between state and federal law that is rapidly widening. The first U.S. state to have, in 1913, prohibited the use of the devil’s herb imported by Mexican immigrants that was “marijuana”, California was also the first to legalize the medicinal use of cannabis in 1996. […]

The municipality of Maastricht on the Dutch drug policy

The municipality of Maastricht (city in the south of the Netherlands) have posted a very good article about the Dutch drug policy on their website. Click here to read the whole article. The Netherlands’ policy is good for public health because it results in relatively few hemp users and only a small percentage who switch […]

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