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Growing hemp Guide 1/6 – A good start is half the work

This week we will kick of with a series of hemp growing guides. Every other day we will have a new post with growing information for you guys (and girls) to enjoy. The goal is to end up with a manual for the breeding of healthy, usable hemp plants from sprout to harvest. Growing your own hemp is fun and absolutely not difficult! In the following posts we will explain in a clear way what you must and must not to do to get the best results out of your seeds. Have Fun!

Growing hemp Guide 1/6 – A good start is half the work.

First you will have to figure out where you want to grow your plants. What kind of hemp strain should you purchase? A good seed shop will offer you the choice between outside growing, inside growing and inside/outside growing.

Every way of growing has it`s own advantage and disadvantage, outdoor hemp will have to grow and flower for a longer period compared to inside growing cannabis, but the results after harvesting will also be much better. The table below will help you in making your choice.

Factor Inside Outside
Privacy High Low
Harvest results Good Better
Growing time 9-10 weeks 20-25 weeks
When All year Season
Skills More complicated Easy
Costs High investment Low investment
Climate Steady Variable

Growing hemp Guide 2/6 – From Seed to Seedling >>

"Why is hemp against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet.
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