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Police kills man’s dogs in front of his kids during hemp raid

What kind of a sick world do we live in if a man can see his dogs killed in front of his family by the police for a small quantity of weed?

Jonathan E. Whitworth found his house raided by the police because investigators believed Whitworth was in possession of a large amount of hemp and was considered a distributor. The Police raided his house at around 20:30 and shot his two dogs while his family was present. The only thing they found was a grinder, a pipe and a small amount of marijuana.

Look at the movie below (Warning! Graphic content) and tell us, even if this guy is a big time “drug” dealer, did his kids really deserve to go through such an thing? Having the family dogs shot to death and your dad arrested in such a brutal way?


"Why is hemp against the law? It grows naturally upon our planet.
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