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Hemp Videos

U.K Politicians who’ve admitted to smoking cannabis

Here’s a little video I found which lists some of the U.K Politicians who’ve admitted to trying cannabis at one point in their life: [youtube=] Why are they still in office?!  If they had been caught and criminalised they could never have entered politics in the first place with a drug related criminal record. Why […]

Ford’s car made from Hemp

A lot of people might not know this. Henry Ford actually made a car from Hemp. Have a look at this short, but interesting video. [youtube=]

Costa vs Polak

This particular video features ENCOD´s Frederick Polak, trying in vain to get a very relevant question answered by UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa. [youtube=] Apparently Costa is only open to a debate if you don’t ask him any difficult questions..

Marc Emery – Prince of Pot

Here’s a piece I found on Marc Emery on U.S TV – it includes an interview with his wife Jodie Emery and is well worth a watch! [youtube=] Marc is one of the figureheads of the hemp legalization movement and his treatment by U.S and Canandian prosecutors who circumvented normal procedure to extradite him from […]

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