We have compiled a list of what we feel are the top 8 online resources about hemp on the internet. Every single one of these sites offers quality information on your favourite herb. There is so much information on this subject that even the most experienced canna-enthusiast can learn something new.
Comprehensive website with lots of information cannabis. This website offers a lot of information on other drugs too. The link above is directly to the hemp section of erowid.
The website of the European Coalition for just and effective drugs policies offers lots of information the drug policies of the various European countries with an emphasis on the policies on cannabis.
A list of articles on hemp written by all sorts of people, academics and regular folks, with some very interesting views on this topic. Composed by Dr. Lester Greenspoon.
The website of the Hemp Industries Association. A lot of info on the industrial applicability of Hemp. A comprehensive list of facts, research papers and frequently asked question about Hemp.
A NGO who have published soem very interesting research papers on drugs in general and hemp in particular. Try searching for hemp in the search box at the top right of this site.
A non profit organisation based in the heart of Amsterdam’s Red light District. They recently celebrated their 10th anniversary and hopefully will be informing people about hemp for many years to come.
A website fighting for hemp law reforms. With their blog and FAQ section they really have quite a large information databse on all kinds of hemp related news and insights. Most of the material on this website has a political background.
German website with information on medicinal hemp in six different languages.
If you feel that there are some other websites that deserve a place in this list or are simply also interesting to visit, don’t be shy and send us a message or dump the link in the comments below.