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Stef Hemp

One's condition on hemp is always existential. One can feel the importance of each moment and how it is changing one. One feels one's being, one becomes aware of the enormous apparatus of nothingness - the hum of a hi-fi set, the emptiness of a pointless interruption, one becomes aware of the war between each of us, how the nothingness in each of us seeks to attack the being of others, how our being in turn is attacked by the nothingness in others.

Once upon a time, booze was banned and hemp wasn’t

What Can Today’s Crusaders Against Prohibition Learn From Their Predecessors Who Ended the Alcohol Ban? Of the 27 amendments to the U.S.  Constitution, the 18th is the only one explicitly aimed at restricting people’s freedom.  It is also the only one that has ever been repealed.  Maybe that’s encouraging, especially for those of us who […]

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Cannabis as a secret military weapon?!

Dr. James Ketchum tested a potent form of synthetic hemp on soldiers to develop a secret weapon in the ’60s. In 1952, the Shell Development Corporation was contracted by the Army to examine “synthetic hemp derivatives” for their incapacitating properties. Additional studies into possible military uses of hemp began two years later at the University […]

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What Will My Grow Room Smell Like?

The City Council Can Help! 30,000 cannabis-scented cards have been distributed to residents of Den Haag and Rotterdam by their city councils. This disturbing plan aims to help people recognize the smell of grow rooms and report on their neighbours. We have very little confidence that asking people to rat on their neighbor will actually […]

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Nutrient deficiency: Phosphorus (P)

Phosphorus summary Phosphorus plays an important role in all living organisms and forms an essential element in plant and animal foodstuffs. It has a key position in cell metabolism and the plant’s total energy transfer. It is also a building block for the cell walls, DNA and all sorts of proteins and enzymes. The availability […]

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Nutrient deficiency: Potassium (K)

Summary Potassium is present throughout plants and is required for all water-related transport activities in plants including opening and closing the stomas. Potassium is also responsible for the plants’ strength and quality and it controls countless other processes such as carbohydrate management. The Romans and Etruscans improved the soil with potassium by burning down the […]

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